See the Problem. Be the Solution.


is the abuse of power to extract an unjust advantage, a predatory practice that thrives on vulnerability and inequality, where the strong ruthlessly dominate the weak for personal gain, disregarding the inherent worth and dignity of others.


In the United States, 50% of human trafficking victims are under 18, and the average age of exploitation is 12–15 years old


Women and girls are disproportionately affected by human trafficking, accounting for 71% of all victims


More than 91% of domestic minor sex trafficking victims in Georgia were enrolled in school at
the time of their exploitation.

Georgia Statistics on exploitation

Sex trafficking

According to Georgia Cares, an average of 374 girls are commercially sexually exploited each month in Georgia, with the average age of entry into the commercial sex market being 12–14 years old. The FBI has named Atlanta as one of 14 US cities with the highest rate of children used in sex trafficking, and Atlanta also has the highest number of trafficked Hispanic females in the nation. Additionally, 12,400 men in Georgia pay for sex with a young woman each month, and 7,200 of them end up exploiting an adolescent female.
Domestic minor sex trafficking

According to Georgia Cares, more than 91% of domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) victims in Georgia were enrolled in school at the time of their exploitation, and more than 50% of victims are recruited by friends and family. From July 2017 to March 2018, Georgia Cares' Statewide 24/7 hotline for DMST received 1,897 calls.
Child abuse and neglect

In 2020, Child Protective Services in Georgia received 62,675 maltreatment reports, representing 121,595 children. Of this number, the reports of 8,690 children were substantiated.

Any child is at risk. Children are inherently vulnerable. This vulnerability, coupled with this crime and the demand means that any child is at risk for trafficking and exploitation. However, certain exposures and factors increase this risk. Below are some factors that can increase their risk:

Societal Risk Factors:

  • Lack of awareness of commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking
  • Sexualization of children
  • Lack of resources


Community Risk Factors:

  • Peer Pressure
  • Social Norms
  • Social isolation
  • Gang activity
  • Under served schools, neighborhoods, & communities


Relationship Risk Factors:

  • Family conflict, disruption, or dysfunction
  • Family member involved in the commercial sex industry


Individual Risk Factors:

  • History of child abuse, neglect, or maltreatment
  • Homelessness, runaway, or "thrown-away"
  • Identify as LGBTQ
  • History of being involved in systems (e.g. foster care, criminal justice)
  • Stigma and discrimination

Pathways For Entry


 to lead away from what you know with a promise of something better 

Peer Relationships

friends involved in "the life" who pull them in; maybe for self-preservation 


to force to act or think in a certain way by use of pressure, threats, or intimidation 


someone forcefully removing you from your environment against your will 

Social Media Enticement

Any social platform where you can talk to people freely online